Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Second Demonstration at Tantra Event

18th Feb. Tantra + ABAI Event, Bangalore. It was a great day..I was lucky enough to be there on stage with my seniors P.C. Vikram (Genius Artist) & Vinayak Kurne (Colour Key Master)
If you are wondering whos who...the guy in white shirt is Vinayak, the guy in blue is P.C. Vikram :)

Thanx to Suresh (friend/colleague/Model)
for more info and pix please click HERE

Thanx to CGTantra !

1 comment:

Tom Scholes said...

मेरा पक्ष समर्थक; Hehe, I wonder if that is right and if it is your language or not... *dies* Probably not.

You have a blog! Sweet, I'm going to link you up on mine :)

Very cool to see you doing oils, they are very well done and have a nice range of colors. I love your digital work too but sometimes I think it could do with a little higher range like in these oils.

Cheers dude!